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胡永泰教授 ( Prof. Dr. Wing Thye Woo )

演讲题目Speech Title:
Getting Malaysia out of the Middle Income Trap


Professor of Economics, Department of Economics,
University of California, Davis,Changjiang Scholar,




1954, Penang

Education Background/
Profesional Affiliations

M.A., Economics, Harvard University, 1982 
Ph.D., Economics, Harvard University, 1982  


M.A., Economics, Yale University, 1978 


B.A., Economics, Swarthmore College, 1976 
B.Sc., Engineering, Swarthmore College, 1976 


Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, 
University of California, Davis

Research Interests

International and Domestic Macroeconomics, Economic Growth, Comparative Economic Systems. 



胡永泰、海闻、金毅彪 1994。〈中国企业改革究竟获得了多大成功〉《经济研究》6:20-32。

胡永泰 1998。〈中国全要素生产率:来自农业部门劳动力再配置的首要作用〉。《经济研究》3:31-39。

Warwick  J. Mckibbin, 胡永泰 2004。〈中国入世对国际经济影响的量化分析〉。《经济研究》4:16-25。

Sylvie Démurger, 杰夫·萨克斯,胡永泰,鲍曙明,张欣 2002。〈地理位置与优惠政策对中国地区经济发展的相关贡献〉。《经济研究》9:14-23。

樊纲、胡永泰2005。〈“循序渐进”还是“平行推进”?——论体制转轨最优路径的理论与政策〉。《经济研究》1:4-14 。


Selected Publications

“The Monetary Approach to Exchange Rate Determination under Rational Expectations: The Dollar-Deutschemark Case," Journal of International Economics, February 1985.

  • identified by the Journal of International Economics, February 2000, to be one of the twenty-five most cited articles in its 30 years of history.

"Structural Factors in the Economic Reforms of China, Eastern Europe, and the Former Soviet Union," (with Jeffrey Sachs) Economic Policy, April 1994;

"Saving Behavior under Imperfect Financial Markets and the Current Account Consequences," (with Liang-Yn Liu), Economic Journal, May 1994 Volume 104, Issue 424, pp.512-527.

Macroeconomic Crises, Policies and Long-Term Growth in Indonesia, 1965-90 (with Bruce Glassburner and Anwar Nasution), World Bank, 1994. 

Economic Reform and Fiscal Management in China, (with Christopher Heady and Christine Wong), Oxford University Press, 1995

Economies in Transition: Comparing Asia and Europe, (co-editor with Stephen Parker and Jeffrey D. Sachs), MIT Press, 1997.

“The Real Reasons for China’s High Economic Growth,” The China Journal, Volume 41, January 1999, pp. 115-137.

The Asian Financial Crisis: Lessons for a Resilient Asia, (edited with Jeffrey D. Sachs and Klaus Schwab), MIT Press, 2000. Selected Chapters:

    • Chapter 1: Sachs and Woo, “A Reform Agenda for a Resilient Asia”
    • Chapter 2: Sachs and Woo, “Understanding the Asian Financial Crisis”
    • Chapter 8: Radelet and Woo, “Indonesia: A Troubled Beginning”
    • Chapter 11: Perkins and Woo, “Malaysia: Adjusting to Deep Integration with the World Economy”

"Economic Reforms and Constitutional Transition," (with Jeffrey D. Sachs and Xiaokai Yang), Annals of Economics and Finance, Volume 1, Number 2, November 2000, pp. 435-491.

"Lessons from the Asian Financial Crisis, and the Prospects for Resuming High Growth," in Lok-Sang Ho and Chi-Wa Yuen (ed.), Exchange Rate Regimes and Macroeconomic Stability, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.

Ranking the Liveability of the World's Major Cities: The Global Liveable Cities Index (GLCI), with Khee Giap Tan, Kong Yam Tam, Linda Low, and Grace Ee Ling Aw, World Scientific Press, 2012.

A New Economic Growth Engine for China: Escaping the Middle-Income Trap by Not Doing More of the Same, co-editor with Ming Lu, Jeffrey D. Sachs and Zhao Chen, World Scientific Press and Imperial College Press, 2012.

Financial Systems at the Cross Roads: Lessons for China's Choice, co-editor with Yingli Pan, Jeffrey D. Sachs and Junhui Qian, Imperial College Press & World Scientific Press, forthcoming.

Penang Paradigm: A 10-Year Sustainable Development Strategy for Penang State and Malaysia, Penang Institute, forthcoming.


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